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It’s Sunday in late June with a temperature that will eventually hover around 80 degrees by mid morning; very warm, but nothing close to the stifling bouts of heat that will follow over the next month. 

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Lakeside Lutheran Church is excited to announce the ceremonial groundbreaking of a new addition to their church located at 2427 Eaton Ferry Road in Littleton, N.C. 


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All who knew John Lewis personally or through history books can honestly say we knew a man of courage, faith, and love. His life of service and leadership to this nation caused a permanent change for the better.

On June 23, 2020, we erased a small piece of history in Warren County. Because of outside threats against the safety of citizens and property in Warren County, it was decided that a statue commemorating the bravery of soldiers who fought during the Civil War had to be removed and hidden.  St…


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Joseph Frank Surwill, Sr. 73, of Henrico, NC passed away peace…

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Sandra Young Walker Stoner, age 75, died Friday, July 3, 2020 …

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